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Circle and Paradigm officials are members of the CFTC’s New Tech Advisory Committee.

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The newly established Technology Advisory Group has gained important industry members, according to a Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announcement (TAC).

The agency’s official news release, Ari Redboard of blockchain analysis firm TRM Labs has been appointed vice chair of its Technology Advisory Committee, replacing White House staffer Carole House as head.

IBM, Amazon, CME Group, and Cboe Global Markets executives will join the Technology Advisory Committee. The list also includes professors from prestigious law schools like Cornell, Washington College of Law, and the University of Michigan.

Ava Labs founder and CEO Emin Gün Sirer, Circle vice president of global policy Corey Then, FireBlocks co-founder and CEO Michael Shaulov, Paradigm’s Policy Director Justin Slaughter, Inca Digital CEO Adam Zarazinski, and blockchain auditor Trail of Bits co-founder Dan Guid are among the other members of the cryptocurrency industry represented on the TAC.

In contrast to other US regulatory watchdogs who have been antagonistic in their treatment of the commodity, 
The TAC is being supported by Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero, who was chosen in March of last year. Romero said in a statement the markets going through some of the most difficult and creative moments for next-generation technology, adding,
The newly established committee has the responsibility of helping the CFTC evaluate the effects and implications of technology innovation on financial services and markets. To “maintain the integrity of derivatives and commodities markets and the fulfillment of other public interest objectives,” the TAC will alert the agency to tech-related risks.

It is also anticipated to offer advice on matters relating to technological investments that can aid the CFTC in carrying out its surveillance and compliance duties.

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